Social Networking - How do I keep up?

9:59 PM Posted by Unknown

This post is not a "How To" on Social networking. I am asking a serious question, how do I keep up?? I do not know how some of you ladies do it, seriously.

I feel, or I should say I am on my computer all day yet I always feel I am just not succeeding in getting myself out there enough. The goal being more readers to my blog, more this and that.

I do Twitter, Facebook, Entrecard, several blogging message boards and go to peoples blogs. Yet I feel I am way behind the curve compared to other blogging friends I see out there. I always wonder do people really care about what I write or think? And if they do, then why??

One of several things would need to happen to get things done. Either I need fewer kids. I would need to lock myself in a room alone for 12 hours a day (or more). Or I freaking need to learn how to type so this whole process would be more productive. I type with two fingers, and even those two let me down with many mistakes that need correcting. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to include that whole time management concept. What is that about anyway??

Also I never think of great (well mediocre anyway) things to write about until it's like midnight and by then I am way too tired. Did I mention it is 11:42pm now and I have to be up in five hours??

Sorry, but the covers are calling now and I need to shut my brain down long enough to sleep.

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  1. CMP said...

    i am really with you on this one. i think i should have called my blog "blogger slacker" or something...
    i get on a roll and then end up getting way behind...
    and for me it's only going to get worse with #3 coming in 8 weeks....
    love the new look of your blog btw!

  2. Minxy Mimi said...

    I know what you mean Susan. I have an easy time sometimes, and others not so easy. And all the stuff I do (twitter, entrecard ect) never seem to work either.
    If you figure it out, tell me!

  3. Bee and Rose said...

    Hi Susan:) I love your new look! Very smooth, girl!

    This is how I finally took control of my bloggy...I work on my posts usually after everyone is bed for the night. I save in draft form. It may take a day or 2 to finish one. I usually have a few drafts in process. I spend one hour doing this. In the morning I spend one hour visiting other bloggy friends after I post my daily blog. I start at the top and work my way down. I met lots of bloggy buddies via Blog Stalkers Unite by clicking on the posts over there. SITS is a great resource too.

    What I don't do...I don't do Facebook or Twitter. I focus my attention strictly on my blog. Maybe down the road I will add this, but for now I think keeping it simple has helped my blog grow.

    Hope that helps:)

  4. blueviolet said...

    I was using twitter but it was taking way too much time so I don't do it that much. You can also meet a lot of people by participating in memes throughout the week! Also, if you visit someone, they usually visit you back and it just keeps going from there. At least that's how I work.

  5. Bee and Rose said...

    I have an award for you over at my bloggy! Sorry it took me so long to get over here to tell you! I have a sickie in the house today!

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