Matthew starts school tomorrow

12:29 PM Posted by Unknown

He is finally starting preschool. Yay!!! Matthew has speech issues and we started his IEP (Individualized Education Plan) months ago. But between every holiday between October and now it all takes time. He has almost the exact same speech issues as A.J. Funny thing is, when he first started talking he talked better then A.J. So maybe he just picked up A.J.'s speech problem from listening to him? The rest of us speak fine so why not pick up ours instead? No matter now.

I do worry about Matthew going to school. He is a bit of a (dare I say it), a brat? He picks on his older brothers and he is the instigator of many things around here. I worry he won't listen to his teacher and he has a tendency for anger issues. I am probably just worrying that he will be my first kid kicked out of preschool. He already knows the teacher because A.J. goes there and I have given her plenty of warning about Matthew (LOL). They are going to be in separate classes too. I think if Matthew was ever in the same class as A.J. then A.J. would insist on never going back. So one will be going a.m. and one p.m. It will only be till mid May or so because they get out for summer early here but here is hoping all goes well for my little bugger.

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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    I hope it goes well Susan!!!

  2. LilBoo said...

    Finally!! To bad they both aren't going in the PM so you have some FREE time lol. I'd call and wish him luck but phone isn't working at this moment grrr.

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