The Ultimate Cloth - REVIEW

The Ultimate Cloth - REVIEW

I am always looking for a good cleaning product.  Anything to make my life easier since cleaning is not my favorite thing to do. The Ultimate Cloth* is just that product.

The Ultimate Cloth is perfect for all you "green" and non green people out there. This is a cloth that uses only water with never a need for those harsh chemical  normally used to clean surfaces.  The Ultimate Cloth uses MiraFiber™ Technology.  

The results are spotless, streak free surfaces. Water simply acts as a 'lubricant' which helps emulsify dirt & oil making it easier for the MiraFiber™ technology to pick the dirt, grease & grime from your surfaces.
Spaces also allow large amounts of moisture to be collected into the cloths making them very absorbent in quickly picking up spills. It also allows for quicker drying time eliminating much of the bacterial growth found in slow drying cloths.

So what can you use The Ultimate Cloth on?  How about nearly everything!

  • Household - Besides your windows, glass &'s great for shower doors (get that soap scum off), bathroom tile, countertops, appliances - including stainless steel, corian, granite, marble, glass-topped appliances. Computer screens, TV screens, framed artwork, glass Patio Tables, Sporting Equipment and much much more.
  • Autos - bumper to bumper - inside & out - it will sparkle!!.
  • Motorcyclees, Boats and RV's - Safe for Lexan, pain, chrome...Convenient as it travels with you - just dampen & clean wherever you are.

I put it to the test myself. I used it on leather, vinyl, glass, mirrors, plastic, linoleum, granite, wood, and my television and computer screens. I was really impressed with how well it cleaned my bathroom mirrors and sliding glass doors. It really does do what it says and I couldn't believe how clean my sliding glass doors were. I didn't have any of the streaks or smudges that I occasionally get when I use glass cleaner. Not to mention since I live in an RV, which is a confined space, I hate having to use spray chemicals and this eliminates that.  Plus I save money on not buying cleaners and no wasting of paper towels I would normally use to clean with.

The Ultimate Cloth is so easy to use.  Just wet it and wring it out very well and start cleaning.  Actually the dryer it gets the better it cleans so the better you wring it out the better it works.   I was very happy with the use of it and how it cleaned.  It also comes in various sizes to accommodate the smallest to the largest jobs you have.

The Ultimate Cloth is washable too.  In fact, you can wash it and bleach it.  Nice that you can give it that good cleaning to prepare for the next time you use it.

I am pretty sure someone in my family is going to get The Ultimate Cloth in their Christmas Stocking this year. (Shhhh, don't tell them)

Please check it out for yourself at their website HERE  They back every Ultimate Cloth with a five (5) year guarantee, and challenge users to find new and innovative ways to use the cloth.   Money saving tip from an Ultimate Cloth user:  If you have a single-use, flat head mop (such as Swiffer), use the machine washable Ultimate Cloth instead of the expensive, disposable, replacement pads. 

* I received one Ultimate Cloth for the purpose of this review.

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday


My Zombie, Ninja and vampire

Just call me klutz

Just call me klutz

I am not normally a clumsy person.  We all have those days where it seems we have butterfingers but that is usually the extent of it.  This weekend though it was like I was in someone else's body.

On Saturday we had just started trick or treating and somehow I managed to fall right off a curb (I was only drinking Pepsi, I assure you).  I was down in a flash.  Skinned up my knee and cut the knee of my jeans right open.  Luckily a hole in the knee of your jeans is still in fashion  lol.  Then on Sunday I fell down the stairs of the RV while I was going outside, and this time landed on my behind.  What is wrong with me?  I can't remember falling down in....forever really.  Sure I trip from time to time but I don't fall right down to the ground.

I am just going to blame it on my new glasses because it is better then any alternative reason I can come up with.  I am just thankful I wasn't in a large crowd and didn't embarrass myself too much (except for my pride).

Patience Please....

Patience Please....

Ahh,  I have been over playing in Wordpress land.  Shhhh, am I allowed to talk about this in Blogspot land??  Oh well, too bad.  So I have gotten neck deep into WP and to my surprise I do believe I have it figured out.  Not totally, but I have customized a few templates and have even learned a few new things I always wondered how to do.  Now I can start designing for WP too!!   Which is great because I know a lot of blogspot bloggers are switching to WP.

My hardest part is getting my blog to look how I want.  Over in WP I don't want the same design as here.  I got the header the way I like but I am just stumped on how I want the background and template to look.  I have changed things around a gazillion times and so far nothing has clicked.  I guess I have plenty of time to tinker with it before I decide to move on over.
Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Picture of my currently 96 year old grandma when she was a young woman.

A.J. got glasses too

A.J. got glasses too

Here is A.J. showing off his new glasses.  What a ham he is huh?

My husband really is from Mars

My husband really is from Mars

My husband is really out there during some of the conversations we have.  There are many conversations where I just scratch my head and wonder how he has made it this far in life  lol.  Take the latest one for example.  We got a letter from A.J.'s school stating they gave him two eye tests recently and as a result they suggested he get examined by an Optometrist.   I didn't really expect A.J. to need glasses, but if he did it really wouldn't surprise me.  My whole family and most of dh's family wear glasses.  I have been prescribed glasses since I was 9yrs old.  So anyway, went to the exam and guess what?  Yep, he needs glasses.

My dh doesn't wear glasses and just couldn't figure out why his child would even need them.  In fact (and this is where he starts to totally loses his mind) he actually says to me that he wants a second opinion because, aren't Optometrists like Psychiatrists and what they do isn't really based on any science and that they are somehow not real doctors?  WTF??  HUH???  Did he really just say that?  Then as his mind totally melts into sludge he says that he wouldn't trust anyone who took the word of a 6yr old on what letters/numbers they could, or could not see from across the room.  At this point how do I even respond?  I was speechless and would've slapped some sense into him, had I thought it would help.

I got new glasses!

I got new glasses!

I finally got new glasses after not having new ones for a few years. I changed my style just a bit too. Dumped the thin gold frames for something a little more......trendy perhaps?          On another note, I am going to do my pictures like this more often.  I look way better in this 'Photoshop lighting".

"iPlay n' Learn"  for the iPod Touch/iPhone

"iPlay n' Learn" for the iPod Touch/iPhone

Straight from Parents magazine!! 
They got together with Apple and October 1st was the release of their unique iPhone/iPod Touch application – iPlay n’ Learn.  "The activities in the application keep children laughing and entertained as they learn about letters, numbers, colors and shapes. Encouraging audio messages and exciting animations like a chugging train  deliver positive reinforcement and keep kids engaged."

I got the chance for my boys to try out this cute and fun learning game. My two youngest sons are 4 and 6.  First off my 6yr old thought he was "too old" for it seeing as he already knows his letters, numbers and colors.  However my 4yr old loved it.  There are so many different things he can do.  They have flashcards, quizzes and tracing for all three of the categories ( letters, numbers and colors ).   For the letter flashcards it will say the letter, the sounds of the letter and also have a picture of something that starts with that letter.  There was a lot to keep my boy interested in iPlay n' Learn. 

Here is a great site with a review for the iPlay'n Learn  where you can see some great screen shots and learn more about the game.

Right now iPlay n' Learn is only $0.99  form iTunes.  Get it while it's hot!

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

It's all about me! Yikes
