Blogger issues.... (UPDATE)

2:37 PM Posted by Unknown

Can I just say that some days I hate Blogger. I am always getting stupid error codes when trying to load new templates to my test blogs for new designs. It drives me crazy. It is even worse if it happens when I am trying to load someones new design to their blog. I am just venting cause it happens very, very often with Blogger. I think it is trying to torture me today.

Shoot me NOW, seriously. I have been doing this since yesterday afternoon and STILL Blogger will not let me load a template at all!! I am getting very frustrated to say the least. It will give you this stupid code like bX-q2ifnk, now what on earth does that mean anyway. It means nothing to me except that Blogger is being a total butt.

Ok, I am done now. However my rant didn't make me feel any better :(

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  1. The Blog Stalker said...

    Amen to that! I am about ready to push my computer off the desk with all the errors and hassles that I have been getting over at the BSU.

  2. Jess @MCC said...

    I agree and OMG love this new look! very put together Susan! :)

  3. The Blog Stalker said...

    I don't know why I didn't share this little tid-bit of info when I left a comment earlier...

    But I discovered a secret...

    1) Open Internet Explorer and click on Tools
    2) Click on Internet Options
    3) On the General Tab, in the middle of the screen, click on Delete (under 'browsing history)
    4) Select 'Delete files' for your Temporary Internet files.
    5) Repeat step 4 for 'Cookies'

    These steps will clear out your 'cookies' and 'temporary internet files' which will eliminate error messages when working with blogger layouts and posts. I've done this many times to fix things.


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