What did happen to my house??

2:01 PM Posted by Unknown

Gee, where do I start?? My dh is a union electrician which means he does contract work. He likes to chase the $$$ and usually that means traveling a lot and not being home. Well we moved to AZ last Oct but dh worked in Vegas. After eight months of us living in separate states dh wanted us to be a family in the same state again so here we are. Dh has a fifth wheel camper and to save money and pay off bills this is where we all are living now. All of us in a place smaller then a tiny studio apt, maybe 100 square feet of living space, if that. I am not sure where it will go from here. Maybe a house, apt, a new fifth wheel? All I know is whatever happens it won't be any time soon.

So that is what happened to my house. Love it or hate it I am here in Vegas and we are a family again.

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  1. Mary said...

    Okay, my place is bigger than that - but you have a nicer TV! Wanna trade? : ) What makes a home is the people in it.

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