Camper crazy

8:03 AM Posted by Unknown

That is what we did Wednesday. Dh was let off work at 0630 because of some issues at work so he came home and woke me up, way too early I might add.

We decided to go look at fifth wheels. We shopped for them just like we shop for house, we each have very different preferences. I want something nice, livable and pleasing to the eye. He wants something practical and could care less what the interior looks. I agree we need tons of storage space but I am the SAHM and I am the one that has to sit home all stay and stare at the walls and they had better be a nice color to stare at all day. The furniture better be comfortable and be set in a way that works for me. Our three kids better have plenty of their own space to be.

This is the one we found I love the colors and style very much. The pics have a different interior color then the one we want, but anyway.

We figure it will take six months of really pinching pennies to pay down our credit cards to 30% and save up for the down payment and taxes. Of course this means that the fifth wheel will be our house and that is where we will be living for a long time.

Why would I want to live in a fifth wheel?? Good question. Well I will be the first to admit I am a wanderer. As much as I hate to pack up I do like to move. After the age of 20 I have done nothing but move, even if it was just to a different part of the same town. I get bored and need change. Except for family I have no close ties with the outside world like friends, work etc....

Also I have found that the smaller my place is the less junk I can have and the easier it is to CLEAN lol. That alone is a good thing because I hate cleaning with a passion!!!

Maybe I am crazy, I know my family thinks I am. You never know in life if the decisions you make are right or not. Guess we will find out!
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