Small Talk Six

11:51 PM Posted by Unknown

Today’s topic is “6 things you’ll miss (or won’t miss) about summer.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .

Here is my list....
  1. I will miss the warm (ok,  down right hot) weather I have been in this summer.
  2. I will miss the sound of thunder as a storm passes by.
  3. I will not miss the fleas and ticks that have plagued our dogs this summer.
  4. I will miss wearing shorts and sandels every single day.
  5. I will not miss shaving my legs every other day.
  6. I will miss the evening BBQs my dh does.
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  1. I am Harriet said...

    No kidding on the shaving legs thing.
    My dogs have been pretty lucky this year- knock on wood.

    Have a great Saturday!

  2. BassAckwards Mom said...

    HA! I wont miss shaving my legs either girl!!

  3. Lizzie said...

    Oh, I forgot about summer storms. Love those!

  4. Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

    Not having to worry about keeping my legs smooth all the time will be a plus.

  5. Susan York Meyers said...

    Won't miss shaving my legs. Will miss the thunderstorms.:-)

    God Bless,
    Author of Callie and the Stepmother

  6. Kelly said...

    I hear you with the fleas. I have a dog that has a flea allergy and she has scratched so much that her back end in about bald. We have a lot of stray dogs in our neighborhood and no matter what I do the fleas will not go away

    here's mine

  7. Kara said...

    Wish some of those thunderstorms had headed our way! Great list.

  8. Staci said...

    I'll definitely miss our bbqs too. But we usually grill right up til winter-it just tastes better off the grill!

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