My new do!

5:00 AM Posted by Unknown

Ok, so if you remember I fried my hair off one side when my flat iron went berzerk. Well the shorter side was driving me insane so I got the longer side cut the match the ratty-ass fried shorter side. LOL At least it is even now.

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  1. KIKI said...

    It looks great!! I like it a lot.

  2. mamavine said...

    I haven't seen your hair that short since you went to Saudi! It looks nice though. Just remember it always takes 2 weeks to adjust!!!!! lol

  3. Melinda said...

    I like it! I love how you always tilt your head too!

  4. Rob said...

    I like the hair. It looks good.

  5. LilBoo said...

    I was gonna say what mom did! It looks good!!

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