1. Amy said...

    Made me laugh!!!!

  2. Rhea said...

    That is hysterical! lol!

  3. Upstatemomof3 said...

    Very funny!!!

  4. Melanie said...

    ugh! ha ha

  5. tara said...

    wow! that made me LOL!
    You have an email coming from me :)

  6. Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

    Who was in charge of the title? LOL

  7. Sue said...

    Interesting book, not sure how big a seller that is going to be.

    Happy WW!

  8. Sarah said...

    That is too much!!

  9. Amber said...

    Great book! ;) LOL!

  10. Julie@Momspective said...

    Okay, I HAVE to have this book.

  11. A Psych Mommy said...

    Wow, I guess there really is a book for EVERYTHING!

  12. ExtraordinaryMommy said...

    Absolutely hysterical!

  13. Jenn said...

    ROFL! No WAY!!

  14. Susie said...

    Too funny!

  15. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    Oh heck no...please tell me that's not a real book. LMAO!

  16. Minxy Mimi said...

    OH MY!!!

  17. blueviolet said...

    Please tell me that's not really a book.

    You're an EM girl too, right?

  18. Marianna said...

    oh my, interesting bok! lol

  19. Elle said...

    OMG! That's hysterical! Is that a real book? Hope it's not one of those scratch n' sniff books! LOL!

  20. Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries said...

    Wow! How did I survive growing up without that book. Somethings are best left unsaid in print and I think a story about that is one of them!

  21. Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

    Oh my word, are you serious!!? lol

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