I don't usually do this, but......

3:01 AM Posted by Unknown

and by "this" I mean calling someone out online by expressing my dissatisfaction. Last November I won a contest. It was a big blog party with lots of sponsors and great prizes. Just my luck that when I actually win something (whoo hoo!!) My prize is from the one sponsor that totally flakes out and does not deliver as promised.

At what point did that sponsor think that would be good for business?? And why volunteer a prize they aren't going to deliver? The sponsor I am speaking of is mimsi-bags.com You are just gonna have to type that address into your browser because they are not getting any linky love from me or my blog.

I won the prize through MomDot. They managed to get the sponsor to send me all of one email, which I responded to. After that, no one ever heard from that sponsor again about my prize. In the sponsors email I got one of those responses "I thought I emailed you already, but just in case I'm sending this again..." I guess I was lucky to have gotten it at all.

Heck, I thought their product was really cute BEFORE I ever won anything from them. But as I am sure you can tell where I am going with this. I will never buy or refer anyone I know to them EVER.

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  1. Bee and Rose said...

    I will not support them either! Boo hiss!! That just stinks!

  2. GRAMEE said...

    i will not support them..i will not even go see their site. i will not type their address in my browser. no love at all from me.
    sounds like they are dead heads.

  3. Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

    That really blows, with all that publicity they received, you'd think they would be thankful enough to send along the gift to you. :(

  4. Melinda said...

    thats my biggest fear! I did have a sponsor flake but it was before I even posted the giveaway thank goodness.

  5. petit said...

    From a business point of view that is disgusting, how can they even run a business when they can't even send a giveaway to the winner! Yeah nice products but obviously not good customer services.

  6. Angie Vinez said...

    I had the same thing happen (from another sponsor on another blog) and have been debating whether I should call the sponsor out. I'm thinking that I need to now!

    I can't imagine running a business like that. So totally unprofessional!

  7. Inquirer said...

    I wish more people would do this!

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