I'm a Mentor...

7:59 PM Posted by Unknown

What's your EDU-Parent style? Here is mine...

You're a Mentor!
You guide by asking questions.

You are focused on preparing your children for life-long learning. When talking with your children, you listen and guide with questions, often providing choices and decision-making opportunities. While strategies and boundaries you establish might be invisible to the casual observer, they ground your parenting style. By modeling independent thinking and problem solving, you hope your children become independent learners and thinkers in their own right.

Your challenges are:

* To listen to what your children are saying, rather than listening for what you want to hear.
* And to respect your children's independent thoughts and ask the next question—even when you disagree.

there are 5 different EDU-Parent styles, which one are you? Find out here...

This quiz is by DreamBox Learning which is the creator of DreamBox Learning K-2 Math, an interactive children's math education game that learns along with your child and adapts the lessons to his or her skill level. The game is curriculum based and educator designed so you know that your child will learn thoughtfully prepared math concepts and skills. It even has a dashboard for parents to monitor their children's learning.

Also right now you can try DreamBox Learning K-2 Math for free.

And, I'd love to know what your EDU-Parent style is too!!

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  1. petit said...

    This was an interest quiz! I'm an Observer - allow children to learn from experience. Well this is somewhat true as every time I try and explain something my kids they think "yeah right like mum knows", but in the end they actually find out for themselves about right and wrong.

  2. Mommy Cracked said...

    Just wondering if you saw that you got a shout out on Parent's Magazine's Goody Blog today? Way to go!!

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