It is PARTY time!!!!

9:05 PM Posted by Unknown

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Party, Party!!!! It is party time over at 5 minutes for mom. If you haven't gotten over there yet, you really should. They have some awesome prizes to be won. The party started today and lasts till the 27th so hurry on up!

Welcome if you are visiting me for the first time. I have been a blogger since July 08 and it is a fun and wonderful thing to do. In that time I have learned to design blogs and have set up my own design site also.

I am a mom of 3 boys (heaven help me), ages 14, 5 and almost 4 (this month). My dh mostly works out of state while we reside in AZ. It is a rough road but this summer we are buying the new RV we will be living in and are going to be a traveling family. From then on things will get really interesting.

My blog is kinda random. I talk about me, the kids, have good reviews and some fun giveaways mixed in. I love these blog parties and enjoy visiting others blogs.

If ya get a chance check out my latest giveaway!

Now on to the blog party prizes!! This is what I would like to WIN!!!

58 – Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer
Provided by: Moms Who Think

56 – Surprise Box of Art Supplies
Provided by: KV Creative Designs

19 — $50 gift certificate to Target Stores
Provided by: Shoot-Me-Now

Have fun everyone!!!

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  1. Monica said...

    I love your blog of the day widget in the sidebar. That's a great idea.

    I made my way over to here from UBP 2009.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Love your blog style and hearing a bit about you and boys! Happy blogging and design! Whoo hooo!

  3. Mommiedaze said...

    Just stopping by UBP hopping. Nice to meet you! Come on over to and say hi!

  4. Jaye @ said...

    THREE BOYS Susan? Wow, better you than me!! Just kidding :O)

  5. momstheword said...

    I love your RV picture. My brother and his family lived in a tiny trailer for a year while building a home. They didn't do any traveling though.

    I am hopping over from the Blog Party, it's nice to meet you. I have a 15 and a 20 year old!

  6. jodifur said...

    I'm party hopping! Hope to see you at my party!

  7. Kristin.... said...

    Blog hopping on a Saturday night! Enjoy the UBP!

  8. Lisa said...

    Hey there stopping by to say hi from UBP09! Yay another AZ mommy

  9. Shannon said...

    Welcome to the party and looking forward to hearing more about life on the road in an RV, sounds fun and exciting!

  10. Handmade Housewife... said...

    Wow, what an undertaking! You might need that stand mixer more than me :) It's on my list too! Enjoy the party.


  11. skoots1mom said...

    prayers for safe travel...
    party jumpin...
    : )

  12. Muthering Heights said...

    Three boys in an RV? It sounds like you have a lot of blog fodder! :)

  13. Angie Vinez said...

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! I've really enjoyed my visit here. It sounds like your life will soon be taking an exciting turn! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Stop by any time: 5 Vinez Monkeys

  14. Kris said...

    Hi! I found your blog through UBP this morning. Your life sounds so interesting! Looking forward to reading more from here.


  15. Mommysamons said...

    Love the blog, I'll be back for sure! I found it while party hopping for UBP!! If you ever get a chance, stop by my blog at

  16. JamericanSpice said...

    Nice to meet you!

    Talk about a party!

    I'm quite intrigued and am learning how to get around!

    Just stopping by from 5minutes for moms blog party!

  17. Inquirer said...

    Sounds like a fun way to live!

  18. Baba said...

    Hi! Can't wait to read more. Party hopping and participating too so stop in for a visit.

  19. Jill said...

    Party hopping also- but so jealous. The RV life sounds fun- but how will you get all your stuff into such a small place?

    Added you to my Google reader- want to hear about the adventures!

  20. Erica~Scentsy Wickless Candles said...

    Just checking out your blog from UBP- love the title (caught me right away), the idea of RV life sounds exciting.

    Stop by and visit me

  21. auntrene said...

    I love your blog. The picture in your header is adorable. I hope you love the R.V life it sounds like so much fun. I love to travel and that would be the life for me.

  22. Comfort Joy Designs said...

    Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.

    I'm giving away Pink Champagne Shower Syrup from Jaqua Beauty...stop on over and enter! Ends April 8. Open to USA.


  23. Shirley said...

    Just stopping by from the blog party to say Hi! Living in a RV is challenging....Rich and I lived in a 8 foot cabover camper for 6 months. We are considering moving from our large mobile home into a 35 foot travel trailer soon to save money.

  24. StacieinAtlanta said...

    Hey Susan-

    I am just stopping in from The Ultimate Blog Party (after party) to say hello. Come by my place to enter to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System and some books by pledging to read to your child everyday. You can also enter to win a pair of Girl's Crocs - Size 8/9. :)

    This week to keep the party going a little longer, I am hosting a few more giveaways. Stop by and see what you can win!

    The Divine Miss Mommy

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