The death of Natasha Richardson

7:59 PM Posted by Unknown

This whole thing has just been so much on my mind since it happened. It is just so sad and tragic and beyond words.

I have skied and sure it has been awhile but I only thought about 2 things when I skied. I figured if I stayed away from trees I would be fine and if I did break something it would be an arm or leg. It never occurred to me that a fall on a beginners slope, during a class no less could ever cause your death.

I think we have all hit our head at one time or another. I could very well see myself saying "I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital" It just blows me away that some people can have much more serious injuries and survive with no problems, yet her "minor" (as they said) injury caused her, her life.

I just can't help but wonder.... Was it the "way" she hit her head? Was there something in her physical makeup that made her head injury turn into something more serious? Was it just a senseless tragedy? Was it just her "time"?

Whatever the reason, it is very sad and makes you realize how precious life is.

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  1. Bee and Rose said...

    I was so sad for her family. It just broke my heart. I am near her age and my son is her son's age as well. It just hit really close to home.

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