Two outta three ain't bad.

2:08 PM Posted by Unknown

Usually that is a good thing. Except when it means that two outta my three kids are sick. They started off with colds. One developed a raging ear infection (no fever) and the other a fever (no ear infection).

A.J. is the one with the ear infection. He can get really bad infections and he will never even make a peep about it. Luckily he hasn't had but only a few, that I know of anyway. Like I said, for him I guess they don't hurt or something because you would honestly never know he had one. Knowing this when he said his ear hurt a "tiny" bit I scheduled him a Dr appt to find out what was going on for sure. Glad I did. I only wish my years and years of suffering through them as a child were the kind that didn't hurt.

Of course I give them medicine and you would never know they were sick at all. When kids are sick why can't they be like us? Retreat to the bedroom and hide out (ok, as if a mom ever had that option, but that is what our husbands do right? Mine does anyway).

And although A.J. was sick a couple days before Matthew, wouldn't you know Matthew would get sick just after his first two days of preschool lol. Coincidence? Perhaps. I am sure A.J. got his cold from school anyway and Matthew was bound to get it from him eventually.

Right now Matthew is crashed out, and A.J. is hopped up on Motrin like a mouse on speed.

It is going to be a lovely weekend I am sure.

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  1. Bee and Rose said...

    Being sick is a big stinky! I hope your clan is feeling better soon! I hope you can have a lovely Valentine's Day no matter what:)

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