Deluxe Investigation Kit Review

11:07 PM Posted by Unknown

I am a mom of 3 boys and keeping them engaged in something for any amount of time is a challenge most days. So I was thrilled when I got the opportunity to review The Deluxe Investigation Kit from Action Toys Inc.

Action Toys Inc specializes in educational toys and activity kits. I personally think it is wonderful when my children can have fun and learn at the same time.

This kit comes packed with everything you need to be your own Crime Scene Investigator.

This kit includes

1 oz of Glo powder
black light with pen
fingerprint pad
5 suspect fingerprint cards
crime scene tape
ID badge wallet with 2 piece ID badge
crime scene number markers
evidence bags

The instructions tell about and give examples of the different kinds of fingerprints people have. It also tells what it takes to be an observant and good detective. It also takes you step by step on how to set up a scenario, gather evidence and catch your suspects.

The minute this kit came into the house my boys were anxious to start their own investigation. We unpacked the kit and set everything up. As you can see from the top picture in this post, we had a crime on our hands.

It was time to look for evidence and here we found some. My little detective is looking through his binoculars to get a closer look.

You need to be very careful with the small clues. You don't want to lose them.

After all the evidence has been carefully analyzed it is time to collect it in evidence bags.

My little investigators did a great job because it looks as though a suspect has been apprehended.

My kids then put their fingerprints on the fingerprint cards(with my help of course). They thought that was cool how they could see their own fingerprints. So all in all my kids had fun with this product. It was something we all could get involved in and have fun with. Of course my boys were playing with the handcuffs, flashlight and binoculars long after the crime was solved.

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  1. Amanda said...

    It looks lie they had a ton of fun! My 7yo would like something like that.

  2. Linda@My Trendy Tykes said...

    That looks like a fun toy!


  3. The Mud Bug said...

    Looks aweseome! Looks like they offer a ton of fun items for kids.

  4. Miranda said...

    How fun! My daughter would love that toy set! I love all your pictures lol :)

  5. Haasiegirl said...

    this is actually pretty hilarious in a disturbing kind of way!


  6. Shannon said...

    Oh neat... I didn't realize they made such a think. Love the photos. Great review.

  7. Trish said...

    That is too cute! Looks like your boys had a lot of fun.

  8. H.E.Eigler said...

    How fun! I'd have loved that as a kid and I bet once my little one is old enough, she will love it too.

  9. Karen of Sillymonkeez said...

    That is COOL!! My son and my husband would love that kit! I'll have to see about picking one up for them.

  10. Heather said...

    So cute! I think they got the right suspect!

  11. AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

    It looks like your boys had a blast. This is something my kids would really enjoy!

  12. Christy said...

    What a fun toy! My 5 year old watches CSI with me and he would love something like that!

  13. Staci said...

    Looks like so much fun! My little one would love searching for clues and investigating too. Great review, love the photos!

  14. Bee and Rose said...

    This looks fun! Love the crime scene photo! lol!

    I'm glad you reviewed it for us!

  15. LilBoo said...

    I can tell they really had fun with it. Great review!!!

  16. Minxy Mimi said...

    Thats super cool Susan!

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