Wordless Wednesday

2:00 AM Posted by Unknown

My three cousins and I in the mid 70's (since I am not sure what age I am there) at my grandma's house on the shores of Lake Michigan. I am the young one in front with the red hair.

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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    LOL, love the retro colors and those chairs!!!

  2. LilBoo said...

    LOL!! And why weren't any of you looking at the cam?

  3. Bloggymommy said...

    I love old photos! Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. Ali said...

    Great photo! Happy WW!

  5. Totally_Toni said...

    I love pictures like these. Great shot susan. Happy WW

  6. christy said...

    I love the chairs (my grandma still has a pair lol). What were you all looking at?

  7. Ann On and On... said...

    Fun photo....I spent many happy days on the shores of Lake Michigan. What a great place to be in the summer.

  8. Bee and Rose said...

    I love 70's pictures!

  9. I am Harriet said...

    Been there.....
    seems like it was yesterday :)

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