Can you tell a good joke or anecdote?

10:35 PM Posted by Unknown

I sure can't. Ask the question "what was the last funny or embarrassing thing that happened to you?" and I am at a loss to come up with anything. Not that those things have never happened to me before because they certainly have. But I seem to have a terrible memory for that type of thing. If you engage me in good conversation I have been told I am funny. I do remember walking into the men's restroom at the theater once. Thankfully it was empty at the time.

However never ask me to tell a joke or even repeat one cause that is just pointless. I can't recall jokes at all. I have known people who are a walking joke book. I worked with one of these people. I heard the same jokes over and over day after day but at the end of the day do you think I was able to even come up with one to repeat to someone else? Nope, not even a little. My mind just goes blank when asked to recall such things. I do have a few lame jokes I can recall but they are more one liners then a full story type joke.

So consider yourself lucky if you are blessed with the gift of gab. You will never have to worry that I will talk your ear off with a good joke or two.

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