My sister

10:03 AM Posted by Unknown

Today I am going to talk a bit about my sister. Which means she can never see this blog because she hates people talking "about her" so to speak. She is very private and doesn't even share personal stuff with me. My sister is 14yrs younger then me so with the age difference we have never been real "close". We get along ok and sometimes go shopping together.

Anyway I had to move out of my house before my lease was up in order to move to Vegas. She was looking for a rental house in my area so she agreed to rent the house I was in. It worked out for both of us. She took over the lease and signed a new one and we left all our deposits in place so she and her boyfriend wouldn't have to come up with major move in money.

I rented the house from November till first week of July. Maybe it was just the seasons I lived there but I never had any issues with "bugs". We both hate creepy crawly things with a passion. My thought on the subject of bugs is, if I don't see them, then I don't know they are there. I live in bug existence denial lol. Her boyfriend goes out in the yard at night with a flashlight and looks for bugs. Not cause he likes them but I guess he wants to know "what is out there". Then of course he freaks out my sister with his finds.

I killed a few spiders when I lived there but nothing more then any other house I have lived in. Bugs (as much as I despise them) are a fact of life. However it seems since my sister moved in they have been overrun with bugs. Like I said, maybe it is the season.

Last night she called my mom after midnight saying she found a tick and bunches of tiny baby ticks in the bed!! She was freaking out and didn't want to sleep in the bed and such. It is like every week she has some major bug story. What does this have to do with me you ask? Well I lived there and now she does and even though I only rented the house I feel somewhat responsible. Well not really responsible but I feel really bad she is having all these bug issues yet I never had any problems when I lived there. I don't know, maybe she is just a bug magnet. She won't even go out on the patio at night cause she says there are bugs everywhere. I always sat on the patio at night and never had a bug problem. Mind you, I sure as shit never went looking for them either. Out of sight, out of mind for me.

I hope she makes it through the bug season without freaking out and losing her mind. And I need to stop feeling like it is my fault for her having bugs just because I lived there first.
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  1. Racheal Miles said...

    Oh dear, I'm sorry but I couldn't help smiling.

    I don't like bugs either but I'm like you, I don't go looking for them.

    It's certainly not your fault, I think your sister would find these 'bugs' where ever she lived.

    Racheal x

  2. Cascia said...

    I agree with Racheal. Don't worry about it. I know if you are like me though you will worry anyway. Bugs are everywhere you just have to learn to live with them.

    Cascia @ Healthy Moms

  3. Leah said...

    omg I would be FREAKING out. But I am a totally afraid of all bugs lol

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