This and that

8:38 AM Posted by Unknown

I was bad and didn't write all weekend, so here are a few things in one post.

My dh amazes me.
Not as in "wow what a great dh", but more like how does this man exists some days. First off this man has no sense of direction. When we are out together he rarely knows where he is, gets turned around and with no certainty what so ever can he tell you where north, south, east and west are, even when the sun is setting. It amazes me that he even makes it home everyday. Also the man can't put anything together, at least not in my opinion. I figured this out early in our relationship. You know putting furniture together and such. He just takes pieces and goes at it. Never reads directions and then has to redo something cause he used the wrong screw for the wrong part etc... Now, either I put all furniture together or "we" do it. I will read the directions and give him the pieces and screws and explain to him step by step how to do it. It is pretty funny. I bring this up cause both happened yesterday.

Something awesome!!!
My oldest son Alex and I are going to see Criss Angel at the Luxor hotel. It is going to be so awesome. He is doing a show with Cirque du Soleil called Believe. The show runs every Wednesday and Thursday from September 12th to December 31st. Of course we want the "best" seats so we need to save up for this show. I'll keep you posted!!

The Lake Mead experience.
We went out on a boat in Lake Mead yesterday. It was a friend of dh's boat and it was the first time he had it out this season. He had to replace the prop and wanted to see how it was working. We were suppose to boat over to Hoover dam but the boat was working the way it should so we didn't get to see the dam from the water. We get back to the marina and they check the boat over and found out the prop fell off!!! Not wonder the boat wasn't going fast LOL.

After that we went over to the beach part of Lake Mead to go swimming. All of a suddan we heard police sirens, so of course the entire beach turns to look. Well about 100 yards a way from us about ten cops start storming the beach with guns drawn and they are after five people. Some mem and some women. The five were either standing or sitting on the beach facing the cops with their hands up. It appeared as though one of the guys would not lay down and so a cop tasered him. Later there were a few cop in the area where the five got arrested, they had surgical gloves on "looking for evidence". Never a dull day in Vegas!!!
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  1. Andrea said...

    You have been busy! I hope you are all settling in more and adjusting to your new temp home.

  2. Bridgette said...

    Have fun at the show! I love Cirque shows!

    BTW, how did you get your siggie to not have that annoying box around it like mine does?

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    That show sounds so fun!!!
    What a busy time you have had...LOL your hubby is so like ME!!!

  4. AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

    I'm so jealous of you seeing Criss Angel, so is my DD. She loves him.

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