I give up!

10:16 AM Posted by Unknown

No seriously!! I expected this, deep down I knew it was going to happen so I don't know why it shocks me at all. Maybe I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Guess what folks, dh called this morning from work. He tells me there is massive layoffs going down and doesn't expect to be at the job he is on past Friday.

What does he tell me?? Pack your bags baby, your headed back to Arizona!! ( I am paraphrasing here). He means like NOW. Today or tomorrow!!

What does all this mean?? Well for one the kids won't be starting school here on Monday. They will be starting school at their old school district that has already been in session since August 4th. We will have to live with my sister and her boyfriend in their (MY former) house that we had them take over the rent on and sign a new lease in their name.

I again will have to take back Alex's school clothes (see previous post) since they don't wear uniforms at his old school.

Did we (my entire family) not tell dh this would happen?? Oh, yes we did!!

I am in shock and now don't even know where to start or what to do.

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  1. Andrea said...

    OMG Susan, I do not know how you handle this stuff! Good luck!

  2. Alicia said...

    You poor thing Susan!

    I wish things were much easier for you and consistent for the kids.

    I'm wishing you a ton of luck and I will be thinking of you.


  3. Tina said...

    OMG Susan, I'm so sorry!

  4. Debateur said...

    Wow honestly Susan I don't know what to say. That's awful. I hope the kids take it OK.

  5. Minxy Mimi said...

    You are frickin kidding me???
    Thats ridiculous. The poor kids, esp Alex (he is the oldest right?) UGH... he needs to get a stable job I think, one where you can stay in one place.

  6. Jess @MCC said...

    OH NO!! Poor Susan!! HUGS, I'd knock him upside the head when got home.

  7. Rachel said...

    NO! Oh, Susan!!! I can't believe this. I second Jess's advice!

  8. Kritta22 said...

    WOW You are a soldier!! What can we do to help?

  9. Leah said...

    :( I'm sorry

    On the bright side...I have an award waiting for you on my site!

  10. Sissy said...

    wow, I don't know what to say except I'm sorry. that's my biggest fear these days. I'll be thinking of you guys and checking in to see how everything works out for you.

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