School shopping gone bad

8:31 PM Posted by Unknown

Friday I did school shopping for my oldest ds. This is never a pleasurable event. He is a boy, he hates shopping and has no option what-so-ever on clothes of any type. As if liking a shirt or pair of pants is a bad thing.

I get him a bunch of shirts, t-shirt type. The stuff kids wear nowadays. However 90% of the t-shirts out there have skulls on them and I wasn't going to buy those. Buying pants for him was a true ordeal since he is too big for boys size and the men size he wears the just don't have. Go out and just try to find a pair of 29X32 guys jeans. If your not there the day the truck comes in just forget about it.

So, today I go to register Alex for school. Well, well, over the summer they decided to go to uniform dress!! Now I am all for uniforms. I think they are great but I just wish they had updated their website BEFORE I went shopping, arrrgh.

I had a limited budget to begin with and since Alex wore shorts all summer he still needed jeans and some shirts for after school and weekends. It was like buying a double wardrobe. I was able to squeeze out 3 pairs of pants and 4 shirts for his uniform attire.

Honestly I think it will be nice to see Alex in a nice pair of pants and a polo shirt everyday. Thankfully they have a semi-lax grooming standard. No purple hair obviously but if Alex had to cut his long curly hair we would need to find a different school.

Of course Alex is less then thrilled about the whole thing but I think he'll live lol.

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  1. Debateur said...

    I'm with you on the clothing shopping. My daughter will only wear one style of pants. Fortunately my Dad was able to find some.

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