What a day

9:10 PM Posted by Unknown

Nothing exciting happened but the kids were kinda pushing me over the edge today. They let the dog out this morning. Meaning they opened the door and the dog left on a dead run. Here I am first thing in the morning, in my night clothes and I need to go and chase down the dog. With the kids no less cause I can't just leave them alone. So we walk around the RV park and don't see the stupid dog. We head back to the RV and I figure I will get the van and drive around. Well, stupid dog was waiting for us. His name is Romeo but stupid seemed to fit him better today.

In the afternoon the boys were out riding their bikes. Now what possessed Matthew to grab a huge rock and drop it on A.J.'s head I don't know but he did it. A.J. is crying and screaming and Matthew is acting like everything is fine in the world today. That's my Matthew.

Also I think I have become a bit obsessed. I was trying all day to make my 2 column template into a 3 column template. Keep in mind I know nothing about HTML or any kind of computer codes. I was going off directions from other websites. I almost had it a few times, but alas you can see my template is still 2 column. Maybe I'll figure it out someday but today is not that day.

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  1. Ann said...

    I found you through Mom Bloggers Club.
    Boy, can I relate to how your feeling!
    Ah, the joy of children.
    And I'm very proud of you for moving on and not letting the world of HTML get to you.

  2. Deb@Mommie Mayhem said...

    hello there have you tried looking for premade free 3 column layouts. Kids ... cant live with them , cant live without them lol.

  3. Celeste said...

    If you figure out that html code let me know. Honestly that stuff scares me !

  4. Andrea said...

    Boys will be boys, right? I hope they calm down this week for ya.

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