My crazy kids

12:08 PM Posted by Unknown

I have 3 kids, boys no less. They couldn't be more different from one another if they tried.

First is Alexander (Alex), he is 13 and well in to the teen attitude. He is smart, funny, creative and his own person. He is really good at video games. I can buy him one and in a few days he has already beat it and wants to move on to another. He also loves to invent and make videos, which he is very good at. He does these amazing stop motion videos. He is very shy, however at home he is as loud as can be. He is always making some sort of noise and honestly it just drives me insane. He has been to many schools cause we move so much so he has a hard time making friends. He absolutely does not want to come to Vegas and live in an RV (he is FL visiting his dad right now, home in 3 days Yay!!). We have lived here before but he was about 3yrs old at the time so he doesn't remember it. I am trying so hard to help him grow in to a good man but he likes to resist anything I say, as all teenagers do.

Next is my little man Andrew (A.J.). He is 4 yrs (5 in Sept) and just a little lover, really friendly and a talker. Boy does he love to talk. He talks non stop all day everyday about anything and everything. He likes to build things out of whatever he can get his hands on. He loves robots and loves to draw things, like robots and invent games on paper. Maybe it is because he is the middle child but he is usually at the mercy of his older and younger brothers A.J. is my dh's first son as Alex is from my ex dh. Dh expects him to be a certain way and wants him in sports and such but right now I just don't see A.J. getting into that. He is more brain then brawn.
Last but certainally not least is Matthew. He is 3, and a total daddy's boy. He is my little sociopath. This boy can lie straight to your face and not blink. He is quite the terror. He picks on A.J. like he was born to do it and A.J. is way to polite to fight back. One minute he is the sweetest little boy, giving you kisses and hugs and before you know it he is behind your back doing something destructive. He is stealth too. Wow, the things he does you will never know about till it is done. Matthew is my little cutie and has that gleam in his eye. Just don't turn your back on him for a second. He can con the best of them with his look of "I am so innocent".
I love all my boys and their vast personalities. Each one challenges me in a new way every single day.

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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    I know Susan!!! I applaud you for having 3 boys and not losing your mind!

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