The beginning

2:22 PM Posted by Unknown

You have reached beginning of my blog. Yes, I too have jumped on the blog bandwagon. I have tried this before but since I don't type real well I never kept up with it. Or maybe I just have a boring life (yeah right!).

About me :) My name is Susan. I have been married to Jeremy since 11/04 and we have 3 boys, Alex, A.J. and Matthew.

My history :) I was born in Japan (my dad was USN) and grew up in Michigan. I spent 7 years in the USAF as a jet engine mechanic. I was stationed in Germany and Tucson, AZ. I have also (in my life) been a restaurant manager, physical therapy tech, a server and a cashier (not in that order).

My dh is from Alabama and works as a union electrician. He is why I am here wondering "what happened to my house??" More on that later. Jeremy, although rough around the edges is a good provider and a great husband (most times).
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