Patience Please....
Ahh, I have been over playing in Wordpress land. Shhhh, am I allowed to talk about this in Blogspot land?? Oh well, too bad. So I have gotten neck deep into WP and to my surprise I do believe I have it figured out. Not totally, but I have customized a few templates and have even learned a few new things I always wondered how to do. Now I can start designing for WP too!! Which is great because I know a lot of blogspot bloggers are switching to WP.
My hardest part is getting my blog to look how I want. Over in WP I don't want the same design as here. I got the header the way I like but I am just stumped on how I want the background and template to look. I have changed things around a gazillion times and so far nothing has clicked. I guess I have plenty of time to tinker with it before I decide to move on over.
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