Wordless Wednesday

10:00 PM Posted by Unknown

Here is me and my sister back in 1982. I was 14 years old at the time.

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  1. The OmniCouple said...

    How neat! I was born in 1982 and my oldest sister was 15 at the time. :o)

  2. Kitty - Coupon Divas said...

    That's a cute picture!

  3. Lizzie said...

    I love that little jumper she's wearing!

  4. Simply Being Mommy said...

    Ya'll are cuties! I must be about the same age as your sister. I was born in 1981.

  5. KIKI said...

    How cute are you!?! I feel so old. I was 20 when you guys were born.

  6. Staci said...

    So cute! I love looking back at old pics!

  7. rmgales said...

    I've read several post that referenced the past for WW. It's nice to look back when you have these type of memories.

  8. Bloggymommy said...

    Cute pic!

  9. Jill said...

    How fun! I hope you and your sister are GREAT PALs today!

  10. blueviolet said...

    You are both so very cute!!!

  11. Stacey @ Tree, Root, and Twig said...

    That's about the age difference between my oldest and my youngest. The two of them have sweet memories like this, too. Very special!

  12. JO said...

    that's a huge gap in age.


  13. GiraffeGal213 said...

    Cute pic. Hubby and his sister are 12 years apart. Sadly because it is a boy/girl thing they aren't very close.

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