The begining of challenges

12:23 PM Posted by Unknown

Here we are in our first week of living in our RV. We are in Tennessee right now just west of Nashville. So far so good, but there are many challenges we have to work through.

First is where on earth to put everything we brought from our house? As I open boxes I think one of two things. Either, "where can I find a spot to possibly put this?" or "what was I thinking when I packed this because there is no way I am gonna need it here." lol In an RV you have to make the most of every little bit of space you have. This is something I have never been good at so it is a learning curve for me. I am constantly putting things away, then moving them, then realizing I have no room for it and probably don't need it after all.

The kids have a whole other take on the RV. To them it is a new type of jungle gym. In the front door and out the back, making circles through the house (eh em, RV). Running up the stairs to the loft and back down. They don't seem to listen when told to settle down and inevitably get hurt or in time-out. Last night I was sitting here at the table and see Matthew fly across the room as he fell, tripped or jumped from the stairs and landed on the kitchen floor flat on his face. It is amazing when kids get hurt doing something they aren't suppose to do, the first they do is get up and say "I'm okay".

For occasional camping in an RV things are great, but you find other problems when you decide to live in one full time. Yeah, they really need about another half dozen electrical outlets in this thing. Good thing I married an electrician lol. The ceilings in the living room/kitchen/dinette are about 9 feet high which is awesome. However the top cabinets are too high even for me (at 5'9") that even I need to get a step stool to reach things. Then the are 3 steps that go up to the bedroom and bathroom which makes those ceiling about 6 feet tall (or around that height). So when I am blow drying my hair in the bathroom the blow dryer hits the ceiling when I am trying to style my hair. Showers can take extra long too since the water pressure is about 40 lbs of pressure or less. The park we are staying at now has real low water pressure and I swear I will never get all the shampoo and rinse out of my hair. Also, where on earth do I put my ironing board? To me ironing my clothes is second to breathing. I haven't ironed anything since we have been in the RV. I am really "slumming" it now lol. My two standard sized cookie sheets I had to give to my MIL. They won't fit in my teeny, tiny oven lol. Time to go shopping for some teeny, tiny cookie sheets.

But hey, so far so fun! Oh, did I mention dh "may" decide to take us to Idaho for work instead of Texas? It depends on work in Texas and we should know the first week in July so I will keep everyone updated.

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  1. AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

    You know that actually sounds fun. I always wanted to travel the US in a RV. I've never been to Texas but I lived in Idaho for a year and it's beautiful up there.

  2. ~*~ Melissa ~*~ said...

    Well, it does sound like you're dealing with it ok. I'm sure it will get better as you get used to it. How long will you be living in the RV?

  3. Lisa said...

    sounds like you area adjucting well. For the ironing i suggest dry cleaners LOL they can do it ! Just till hubby you need to , there is no room for it in the rv. Cant wait to here more . Glad you mad it safe on your trip

  4. Susan said...

    Melissa, the RV won't be paid off for 15 years so we may be in it awhile lol.

  5. Mommy Cracked said...

    So great to see an update on you. I was thinking of you the other day and wondered how y'all were doing. Can't wait to read more!

  6. Rob said...

    Sounds like everything is going well so far. That is good. Keep us posted on how thing are in that RV of yours :)

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