The adventure begins

6:49 PM Posted by Unknown

I haven't totally disappeared. I have been on the road for 3 days. Cause ya know, that is how long it takes to get through Texas lol. Since I am moving here I seriously doubt any of my family is ever going to drive to come see me.

Yes, my life in the throughly awesome state of AZ has come to an end. Although I am now in Texas my journey is not even close to finished. Tomorrow (Tuesday) we head to Nashville which is a long, long drive from where we are at in Beaumont TX.

We had to take 2 vehicles on our trip and I have done pretty good so far. I have managed to stay awake through 10-12 hour drving days alone in my truck with my puppy Lucky by my side. I let dh deal with the kids. Heck it has almost been a vacation for me. All that alone time on the road with just my radio and my thoughts.

On Wednesday we go to Ohio to pick up our new fifth wheel trailer. Then it will be back to Nashville for a month to visit with dh's family. The first week in July it is back here to Texas. Whew, I get tired just thinking about it!

Right now it is time for bed. After spending 2 nights sleeping in a pick up truck I am in a hotel tonight and I get a real bed. And the shower I had earlier never felt so good. Ahh, the simple things we take for granted

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  1. Rob said...

    Glad to hear everything is ok, keep us updated on your progess.

  2. LilBoo said...

    Hey I'll come over to visit but I'll wait till hurricane or tornado season passes, so Mackenzie would be here by then! =] I do know some Yorkie friends in Houston & Dallas area. I want pics of the new camper when you get it. Love ya & miss ya

  3. Lisa said...

    Wow I cant believe that I missed this and just seen it . I have been wondering how you and the family are doing . Hope you are all well and having fun. Cant wait to hear more. Safe Travels to you all

  4. Angie Marion said...

    I would love to live in AZ! Hope the move goes well!

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