Tragedy at grandma's house

7:35 AM Posted by Unknown

My grandma lives with my parents. When they moved here to AZ in 2007 they brought both my grandmas with them. They both kept their houses in Michigan as that was their last line of independence (in their minds).

Well my 95 yr old grandma is still capable of going back to MI in the summers since she loves it there and the summers here are just too hot for her. She lives next door to my aunt and uncle so she isn't "alone". She went back last summer and did a bunch of work to her house. Her house is a 3 bedroom modular on some very nice land that has been in her family forever.

This winter tragedy struck. Usually my aunt is there to check on the house. However they go out of town for the winters also and only occasionally come back home to check on things. That is when it happened. Something caused the furnace to go out which resulted in the pipes bursting in my grandma's house. By the time my aunt got back into town it was too late. The entire house had water on the floor and mold EVERYWHERE!!

They called the appropriate people and the house is a total loss. It has to be demolished!!! There is mold in every crack, crevice, wall, and ceiling. Every item in the house has mold on it, in it, clothes, furniture, beds, tables, you name it. My grandma is totally devastated as you can well imagine. Luckily she got out a bunch of things last summer when she was there. Like the big quilts she has made over the years and some of her best chinaware.

There are even mushrooms growing in the house! It is so sad.

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  1. ~*~ Melissa ~*~ said...

    Oh that is so sad. Your poor granny :(
    I could not imagine losing everything like that, and for a whole house to have to be demolished!! Man, if I am ever lucky enough to have a house that I just visit here and there I will make sure to hire a caretaker or someone to check on it at least once every few weeks.

  2. HeatherL said...

    Oh Susan!! I'm so sorry. That is aweful. Bless her heart. I know she is heartbroken. Please send her a (((hug))) from me. I've never experienced total loss like that, but I can imagine that it would be terrible. :( Such a sad story. I'm glad she has family and friends to get her through this hard time.

  3. Bee and Rose said...

    Your poor Grandma:( I feel so bad for you all!

    My sister bought a house a few years back where the owners did NOT disclose there had been a horrible mold problem. MY brother-in-law nearly died because of it. The house had to be was awful. They sued and won!

  4. Lisa said...

    Oh Susan, Im sorry to hear. That is so devasting. I can ot imagine how your grandmother must feel! Mold is a ugly thing.I will keep you and your family in my thoughts

  5. Debateur said...

    Wow I'm so so sorry Susan. I can't even imagine how hard that must be.

  6. Rob said...

    I am so sorry. It must be hard for your grandma. I hope everything works itself out.

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