Death leaves online lives in limbo

10:46 PM Posted by Unknown

That is the title of an interesting article I read today.

Basically, if you were to die unexpectedly would your family or friends have any way to notify your online friends and communities? I know some online friends who are close enough to have each others phone numbers etc.... Maybe if they hadn't heard from someone they would call and just perhaps a family member might answer. But what if you only had an email for someone. My family would have no idea how to access my email (or blog) if something happened to me to let people know I had died, or was in a coma, or whatever.

In this day and age it really is something to think about. We have important online friends and commitments and it is just as important they are informed if something happens too. Especially since our personal friends and family may have no idea what sites we frequent online and what relationships we have in cyberspace.

The article gives some websites that can notify people if something were to happen to you. It is an interesting read and something to consider.

What are your thoughts on this?

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  1. Totally_Toni said...

    Great question Susan. I think my hubby would do the best he could , he doesn't know all the sites to go to but he would let someone know hopefully that isn't until I am 80 at least though LOL

  2. Bee and Rose said...

    Wow..that is really something I had not considered. I guess it's time to fix that dilemma. Thanks for sharing that!

  3. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    Ya know, I've never thought about that before. Definitely something to think about.

  4. Minxy Mimi said...

    Bradd has Moo's # and e-mail just in case. Plus he knows my log ons... but I think its a weird thing to think about but seeing as how we are all online so much, someone should be a contact person sometimes.

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