(CLOSED) Yummy review and giveaway for Fiber One

6:00 PM Posted by Unknown


When I say yummy, I mean yummy. I loved this review. I got to try the new Fiber One Chocolate Mocha bars. If you love the taste and smell of coffee you will love these. When I opened the wrapper of these soft chewy bars the smell was heaven and so was the taste. My family was just crazy for them.

Also, most of us don't get enough fiber in our diets and what better and tastier way to get that fiber then with Fiber One Chocolate Mocha bars.

Did you know?

* Fiber can help you satisfy your appetite and manage your weight

o Research suggests that people who have high fiber intakes tend to have healthier body weights

* Fiber can help keep your digestive system on track

* 9 out of 10 Americans aren’t getting the recommended amount of fiber

Are you curious to know if you are getting enough fiber? Check out the Fiber-O-Meter.

Now for the giveaway. Your really going to like this one. I am giving away 3 Chocolate Mocha Chewy Bars Spa Break gift baskets.

In your basket you will receive a bath pillow, chocolate scented soap, lotion, bath salts, a coffee scented candle and a coupon for a FREE box of Fiber One Chocolate Mocha Chewy Bars. This basket is wonderful too!! Everything smells like coffee and I was just in heaven using the candle and bath goodies.

Contest is open to anyone living in the United States. I will run this contest till Monday March 9th at 6pm mountain time. The winners will be picked using random.org and be posted sometime that evening. Please make sure there is a way for me to contact you in your posts (either e-mail (for any non bloggers) or a blog profile where I can leave you a message on your blog).
* Any random comments or comments not following directions of the contest will be deleted.

One entry for each task you comment to me on.
1) Go to the Fiber One website and let me know what your favorite Fiber One product is. (Like more then one thing? Leave a comment for each one for more entries)
2) Let me know why you NEED a spa break.

for even more entries
3) fav me on Technorati and come back here and let me know you did so in a post.
4) subscribe to my feed and come back here and let me know you did so in a post.

If you are too impatient like me to see if you are one of the three lucky winners and you just can't wait to try these delicious Chocolate Mocha bars then click HERE for a $1.35 off downloadable coupon for one box of Fiber One Chewy Bars

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  1. Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

    My favorite product is the pancakes. I would love to try Fiber One pancakes, I am all about getting enough fiber.



  2. Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

    I wasn't sure if #1 and #2 were mandatory first entries and needed to be separate or together...

    I need a spa break because I haven't had anything to pamper myself in a LONG TIME!



  3. Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

    I faved ya in Technorati!


  4. Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

    I subscribed in Google reader

  5. Shannon said...

    Fiber One Shredded Wheat Cereal looks YUM!!! This is why I NEED it a spa day...


  6. Women Who Win said...

    I love the peach yogurt. It tastes amazing! --Michelle, blogattoday (*^at} gmaildotcom

  7. Women Who Win said...

    I blogged about this giveaway here: http://entersweepstakes.today.com/2009/03/02/win-a-chocolate-spa-basket-with-fiber-one-bars/. --Michelle, blogattoday (*^at} gmaildotcom

  8. Women Who Win said...

    I need a spa day because I've been having super bad headaches lately. I don't know why. It probably means I need to tell my doctor, but the spa would be good too! :) Thanks! --Michelle, blogattoday (*^at} gmaildotcom

  9. Melinda said...

    banana nut muffins sound yummy!

  10. Melinda said...

    I have 3 kids of my own and daycare for 3 others , I need a spa day every other day LOL

  11. Kaley said...

    My favorite product would have to be the banana nut muffins. Also, I need a spa because I work, go to school, AND have a social life. :)

  12. Carolyn G said...

    I would love to try the Fiber One Frosted SHredded Wheat cereal. It looks delish.

  13. Carolyn G said...

    I need a spa break because I have been painting the interior of my house and boy it's been rough. I could use a little R & R.

  14. Dumaurier said...

    The chocolate banana muffins

  15. Dumaurier said...

    I need a spa break because my husband is deployed leaving me to care for our feisty two year old son....Other things are going on in my world as well but I won't bore you with the particulars

  16. Tammigirl said...

    Banana nut muffins are always a hit with me.

  17. Tammigirl said...

    I want a spa day because we have five children and my husband now works at home. I sometimes feel like I never get a minute to myself.

  18. Tammigirl said...

    I subscribed via Google Reader.

  19. cstironkat said...

    I would like the raisin brand clusters cereal. I need a spa day because I started collge at 44 years of age since I lost my job, I take care of my 71 year old widowed father and there are the usual family obligations. Yet I'm so blessed to be able to go to school and enjoy all the benefits of a good education.

  20. Minxy Mimi said...

    I need a spa day because I have 2 boys and a full time job along with a hubby and 3 cats! LOL

  21. Minxy Mimi said...

    I like the Vanilla Fiber One Yogurt, I actually have some in the fridge right now!

  22. Minxy Mimi said...

    I subscribe via Google Reader!

  23. Stacie's Madness said...

    oh and oops...what woman DOESN'T need a spa day?

    right now, i am in the middle of a divorce and nothing sounds better than a relaxing bath, by myself.

  24. Stacie's Madness said...

    I don't even HAVE to visit their site...

    my house is stocked with these bars, I love the chocolate oats one...and have recently tried the Mocha Chocolate...and they are HEAVEN. :) Love them.

  25. Stacie's Madness said...

    We eat the honey cluster cereal too...warning though it is JAM PACKED with fiber, like 51% of your daily intake of fiber and it is a doesy!

  26. Stacie's Madness said...

    WE also have the pancake mix...it's good and I add cinamon to the batter, makes it even MORE yummy.

  27. Bee and Rose said...

    I am so glad you did this review! These little goodies keep calling to me from the grocer shelf! I think I'll get them now! Went to the website...so many yummies! I think I'd like to try the Frosted Shredded Wheat cereal too.

  28. Bee and Rose said...

    I definitely need a spa break! My blog post from yesterday tells it all! (husband had bypass one year ago...it's been a crazy year!)

  29. mindy said...

    i have tried several of there bars and they are just terrific thanks for the giveaway

  30. techyone said...

    My favorite is the Fiber One cereal. I love the taste and fact that its healthy.

  31. Renee G said...

    I love the new Fiber One frosted shredded wheat.


  32. Renee G said...

    I could really use a spa break because I've been working long hours at work and could stand to just relax and treat myself.


  33. Deborah said...

    My heart belongs to Fiber One's Frosted Shredded Wheat. Yum! asthenight at gmail dot com

  34. Deborah said...

    I need a spa break because I just found out that my son and his wife will next be stationed in Turkey. Now, I love the Turkish people and culture, but their country borders Syria, Iraq and Iran...so I'm stressed. The great Turkish people deserve nicer neighbors! asthenight at gmail dot com

  35. cdziuba said...

    4 kids, 1 grandchild, 1 husband, 1 cat, 2 parents who need help: THAT'S why I need a spa break!

  36. cdziuba said...

    The Fiber One Pancake Mix is terrific!

  37. cdziuba said...

    Technorati fave cdziuba

  38. cdziuba said...

    My husband loves Fiber One Cereal.

  39. kathy55439 said...

    I like the Fabir One Bars they are a great quick breakfast....

    I love your banner on your blog

  40. kathy55439 said...

    I need a spa break becuase I am saving for an adoption so I am not spending money on the extras at this time....


    strawberry yogurt yum


    need a spa break because everything is usually for everyone else- i need a little me time now and then


    the frosted cereal looks yummy

  44. Sandra K321 said...

    I like the Fiber One Mixed Fruit, nuts and honey muffins.

  45. Sandra K321 said...

    I need a spa break because I have 2 teenage sons who are very active in sports, band, community activities, etc. that keep me constantly on the move, usually in different directions.

  46. A Reader said...

    The strawberry poptarts.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  47. cstironkat said...

    I like the raisin brand clusters cereal

  48. cstironkat said...

    I need a spa break because midterms are coming up and between studying, family obligations and work, things can get stressful.

  49. cstironkat said...

    The cottage cheese tastes great too.

  50. Tracey said...

    Favorite product. The shredded wheat cereal. I need a spa break because with the three children I never have the time to take care of myself.

  51. lilbabypug said...

    we eat the shredded wheat cereal. It's so good for us and it's tasty

  52. lilbabypug said...

    we eat the shredded wheat cereal. It's so good for us and it's tasty

  53. eyeslikesugar said...

    I adore the Fiber One yogurt. I started eating it a year ago, and I won't quit. :) Thank you for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com.

  54. Susan said...


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