Who's the Cutest Daddy?!!

3:18 PM Posted by Unknown

It might just be your hubby! Parents.com is having a "Cutest Daddy" contest. It is about time daddy's get to be involved.

Up to six photos of your cute dad and kid can be submitted. The photos will be judged on overall appearance of the subject, adherence to the cutest daddy theme, and the quality of photo. Also, a week after the contest closes, you will have a chance to vote on the 20 finalist photos at the Parents.com website.

What will the winner get you ask? Well let me tell ya!! One (1) winner will receive a Canon - PowerShot 8.0MP Digital ELPH Camera, retail value $249.99.

What are you waiting for?? You only have until April 10, 2009 to upload your cutest daddy (and kid) photo/s HERE!

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