Mommy, if you die can I have your computer?

10:10 AM Posted by Unknown

That is what my 5 year old said to me today. I mean obviously he doesn't want anything to happen to me. But if some unforeseen force should snatch me from this world he wants to make sure he is on the top of the list for my laptop.

Yeah, in fact he *thinks* he needs one of his own. I won't let him use mine since I only got it less then a month ago. I would kinda like to enjoy the newness of it without worrying about sticky keys and who knows what might happen to it.

Gotta love kids, huh?

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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    I am sure mine would want your laptop too... to watch Youtube!

  2. LilBoo said...

    haha! I can see AJ asking that too but I can see Alex and AJ FIGHTING over the laptop too.
    AJ does say the cutest things that's for sure.

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