A.J.'s Game

9:50 PM Posted by Unknown

My son A.J. loves to draw. He will do drawings of everything and anything. But they aren't your typical drawings. He will fill a piece of paper with so much detail. I have no idea where he comes up with a lot of the ideas and images he does.

Well tonight he drew/designed a game that he wanted me to play. As he was explaining it to me I was just amazed that a 5yr old would come up with all the things he did for it. I decided to record it.

Mind you, this was a last minute thought and I only used my camera. I still don't know how to work the video camera we got for Christmas lol. The quality isn't the best and the game is kinda hard to see as it was done in pencil but here it is nonetheless.

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  1. Bee and Rose said...

    That was truly impressive! You have a game designer right there! Wow!

  2. LilBoo said...

    OMG WTG AJ!!! Love ya kiddo =) Tell him to draw me something =)

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