The Starbucks Diet

2:18 PM Posted by Unknown

Ok, there is no such thing but that is what I call it. I love Starbucks!! But, how do you manage to drink an iced venti Mocha almost daily and still lose weight or at the very least not gain any?

Some people do smoothies or Slimfast, neither of which fill me up. Filling up on rabbit food (veggies and fruit) is healthier but doesn't satisfy my sweet tooth.

This is where my Starbucks Diet comes in. I get my drink and make it last over about a 3hr period, putting in the refrigerator between downing bottles of Aquafina. It fills me up, I get my dairy for the day in, my chocolate fix and the coffee flavor I love. Then I eat dinner as usual. Some days I need more so I may have a piece of fruit or some crackers.

Would I recommend this to people? No. But it works for me. I am very healthy and "technically" not over weight. I am just the typical female trying to lose that last 5-10 lbs because of some stupid number on a scale.

And why do I like it so much?? Because I can get my Starbucks AND drink it too!! And yes, I have and am losing weight.

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  1. Jess @MCC said...

    That's wonderful Susan!! WTG!

  2. CMP said...

    that's awesome! maybe i'll try that once i've given birth in april. i'll probaby need the caffeine too!

  3. Bee and Rose said...

    Perfection! Must try this starting today! Starbucks should give you freebies for this!

  4. Minxy Mimi said...

    Good for you Susan!!!
    I am working on counting calories. Seems to be working!

  5. Elizabeth said...

    Sounds like a good diet to me!

  6. Moriah said...

    Man I wish that kind of diet worked on me. Nope I would gain at least 5-10 lbs on this diet. Hey if it works for you why fix it?

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