Nintendo Wii Fit

12:38 PM Posted by Unknown

That is what I went and bought yesterday!!! I have to say that I like it. Of course my 14yr old ds wants me to do it with him 24/7 and I have a certain time of day I like to "work out".

You can do yoga, strength training, balance exercises and aerobics. They are all pretty challenging. Either that or I just don't have the adequate balance needed yet lol.

You can jog, walk a tight rope, do step aerobics, do a hoola hoop, ski (to name a few) and then there are some fun balance games. I did a jogging one and worked up a sweat and was tired when I was finished. Dare I say that I know I am out of shape. Perhaps someone more in shape and aerobic then I would have breezed through it.

The game records your weight and give you your BMI (based on your height also). Tells you what your Wii fit age is. Lets you set goals like weight loss at 2 week intervals. Also the minutes you work out are "banked" and as your minutes add up they will unlock more exercises and games to do. It is much more interactive (obviously) then just doing a workout video. And it is fun since it makes your workout more like a game.

So I personally would recommend it and I am glad I got it. Also since alot of the games are done on a small balance board it should hopefully be easy enough to do when we move into our new 5th wheel in a few months.
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  1. Andrea said...

    JEALOUS! I'm glad you love it... makes me want to go get one even more! :)

  2. blueviolet said...

    I want that soooooo bad!

  3. Yaya said...

    Lucky!!!! I want wii fit so bad! It's always sold out. We got guitar hero last week which is sooo addicting!

  4. Bee and Rose said...

    My husbands cardiologist actually recommended he get one of these! Super we have's medically necessary...hee hee

    I have an award for you over at my bloggy! Grab it, lady! You deserve it!


  5. Bee and Rose said...

    Oh! That's are in the west! I comin' over to use your Wii Fit!!!

    We are in Sahuarita just south of Tucson. We lived in Scottsdale for 20 years and moved down here in 2000. We are up your way all the time. I can't believe how much it's grown in the last few years!

  6. Bee and Rose said...

    That sounds like a fabulous plan! I like it down here better myself..just a lot slower pace...

    My son is almost 13...maybe our boys can get to know each other..sounds like your a gamer family like we!

  7. Minxy Mimi said...

    I want one too! You lucky dog!

  8. Cindy said...

    I love mine too, have it since May!!! Have fun with it!

  9. Moriah said...

    I love mine, and have been using it since Nov. Well off and on and I have lost a lot of weight. It's really nice once you can get the step, and running so you can do it while watching your shows too. So glad you enjoy it. I hate when I step on and it says "Ohhhhh" makes me feel fatter...LOL

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