Happy Birthday Alex (and more)

7:50 PM Posted by Unknown

0k, this is late but my son Alex turned 14 years old on Friday. The only thing I think of when I think of my son turning 14 is that it is only 2 more years till he is driving (YIKES!!!!!!)

This is Alex on his Birthday.

His cake. I let him pick it out and he got a yummy Black Forest cake.

As you can see from the first pic that Alex has naturally curly hair. He was wondering what it would look like straight so he let me flat iron it last night lol.

A pic of me, sometime during Christmas I believe. Oh, and I am trying to grow my bangs out. Not sure why, never worked the last 1000 times I have tried.

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  1. Bee and Rose said...

    Love your blog! Got a giggle out the photos...my son is a "long hair" too:) and...I have a "growing out bangs" photo just like yours! lol:) I look forward to following your blog!

    Bee & Rose (www.beeandrose.blogspot.com)

  2. Minxy Mimi said...

    Love his hair curly! He is a handsome kid. You look great too Susan! You always do.

  3. Mommy Cracked said...

    Curly or straight, he has beautiful hair either way. Found you through MomDot and love your blog already!

  4. Moriah said...

    Happy Birthday to your Alex it was my baby's b-day on Friday as well, Man it will freak me out when it is his 14th. That kid has a great head of hair, curly or striaght.

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