Know about stocks??

11:39 AM Posted by Unknown

yeah, neither do I. I mean I know NOTHING about them. Less then nothing really. But that is what dh wanted me to know about the other day. Because he wanted me to buy some stock.

Buy stock? Are you serious? Where do I even start? Well it wasn't as hard as I thought really. I just did it like I do everything else, ONLINE. I think there is a world outside my computer (or Blackberry) but I am not so sure anymore.

I/we bought 490 shares of GM stock. At some point GM will come out of this financial crisis they are in and we will have made some money off it. That is the plan anyway.

Here is hoping all goes well.

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  1. Sarah said...

    My hubby's been playing on the stock market for about a year or so. He thinks it's a good call. For what it's worth.

  2. Minxy Mimi said...

    Good idea Susan, my boss who is a Financial Planner says now is the time to buy!
    I did put that award up on my blog finally!

  3. Debateur said...

    You're braver than me. I keep contemplating stocks but for now I'm still in mutuals. Need more money !

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