Ticks fleas... Ticks fleas...

9:28 PM Posted by Unknown

A long time ago I saw a comic from "The Far Side". There were a bunch of dogs on a train. And there was a dog conductor walking down the aisle saying "ticks, fleas... ticks, fleas..... It was funny. But real ticks and fleas are NOT funny at all.

When we lived in MI we had fleas bad. Well the dogs did anyway (ha, ha). Here in AZ our dogs are plagued with ticks. I totally get the willys around bugs in general but ticks are just freaking nasty.

I just had to get a big sucker off my dog. I pleaded with my oldest ds and my sister to do it for me but they were mean and I had no choice. Now I will probably have nightmares tonight about huge blood sucking ticks chasing after me.


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  1. Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

    You gave me the willies....ugh. Ticks are the WORST. I hope they dont carry Lymes like the ones we have on the East coast. Right now we are over-run with Stink Bugs. Everywhere. Last night I found one on Hubby's pillow. *shudder*

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