Thursday Thirteen!

9:13 AM Posted by Unknown

Thirteen sites/places I would like to visit

1. The great pyramids
2. The Taj Mahal
3. Mt Rushmore
4. Alaska
5. Australia
6. New York City
7. Mall of America
8. Los Angeles
9. Miami
10. Carlsbad Caverns
11. North rim of the Grand Canyon
12. Oprah show
13. Lake Tahoe

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  1. Grandmother Wren said...

    Me too on Alaska and Australia!
    But I'll pass on the Mall of America.
    Mallaphobia, don't ya know...

    Great List -
    Happy TT!

  2. Simply AnonyMom said...

    I am with you on most of those places. Very fun list!

    Thanks for visiting!

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    LOL, I agree except the Mall!

  4. Staci said...

    Australia is at the top of my list!

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