Busy, busy

9:14 PM Posted by Unknown

That has been me lately. I feel really bad about no posting lately. If fact I have had things to post about but since I type so slow, that some nights when I am tired it's just not worth the energy. Also I have been slacking in my comments on other peoples blogs too. I think I need a few more hours in the day. Or less kids lol!

Update on dh. Well a few weeks ago he went to from Vegas to Washington. He worked about a week and a half at one job and requested a voluntary layoff to get the job he really wanted. That job didn't come through the way he wanted so he up and left to go to Texas. He did manage to come home for about 18 hours on his way to Texas so that was nice. He got there today and starts work tomorrow, luckily. He will be working 10 hrs a day 7 days a week so he will be busy. I failed to ask him how long this job will last. Not longer then Christmas, that I am sure.

I have doing my blog designing. So much so that I haven't even had time to do a design site for me. But that is okay and there is no complaining here. I love that people like my designs and I am still amazed lol.

I have even managed to be nominated for 2 blog awards this week!! I don't have the second one up yet so I will have to get to that tomorrow.
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  1. Andrea said...

    I hope you can catch a break soon Susan!

  2. Jenna said...

    You've been a busy woman! I have to say...I am LOVING your blog designs!

  3. tcalamity said...

    take it easy, you'll burn out..... My partner works away oftern, the last one was 14 weeks away. It nice to have some space but nicer to have them home!!!

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