I have received an award!

7:38 AM Posted by Unknown

Karen over at A Blog of Goodies has nominated me for a blog award. Not sure I deserve it cause I have been too busy to post lately, so I am thankful for the award.

Here is how the Brilliant Weblog Award works . . .

The person giving the award chooses blogs that they consider brilliant in their content or design. In return, the recipient is expected to choose a minimum of seven blogs that they like. They leave comments on these blogs to notify the winners. They then post about receiving the award on their blog (like this) and list their choices with links. They also include a mention of whom they received the award and include a link. Pictures are great, but not necessary.

Here are the 7 "brilliant" blogs to which I would like to pass this award along:

My .M. Spot

Thoughts from the Toilet bowl
Diaries of a Domestic Goddess
My Quest for Sanity
Minxy Mimi Unplugged
The crazy world of an Alaskan mom
And The Family Grows
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  1. tcalamity said...

    p.s I have an award for you on my blog.........

  2. Sarah said...

    Well, jeepers campers! Thanks for thinking of me!! I'm honored!

  3. CMP said...

    thanks so much! and i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new design! you rock!

  4. Minxy Mimi said...

    Thank you! YAY

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