
9:33 AM Posted by Unknown

One day dh and I were driving down the road in the area by where we live. By the side of the road there was a sheriff's van. There was no one in it. It was one of those surveillance type vans that had a traffic camera in it to catch speeders and such.

Honestly this particular road is so busy and only 2 lanes that it's kinda hard to speed anyway because it is usually backed up with traffic.

However anytime my dh see something like that he just goes off on one of his tangents. How our privacy is being invaded by the government. The cops are too lazy to do their job etc..... You get the point.

Now I get the point about privacy. I mean once you allow "big brother" to do one thing it opens the door to others. However it doesn't bother me. I figure I am out in "public" and if "whoever" deems they need cameras around then whatever. How is it different then stores having cameras to catch shoplifters and such?

I believe cameras out in public keep honest people honest, so to speak. If I have no intention of breaking the law why would it bother me? Obviously for dh it is the point of privacy cause he has no intention of breaking the law either.

Do cameras out in public, in any form of "surveillance" bother you? Are you aware of them? Do you care?
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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    They do not bother me, but my husband is like your DH at times too...he feels like his privacy is being invaded...even though he is very honest, it still annoys him. I feel like you do.

    LOVE the new blog design!

  2. tcalamity said...

    Doesn't bother me, infact I'm glad of them in this day and age, because of the amount of anti-social behaviour problem in the uk. I am lucky where I live, in a small villiage 6 miles from town, we dont have this problem. But you wouldn't believe with all the cameras in the nearest town where I shop, the day I needed the camera to catch an incident,(someone kindly took out the side of my car while parked in a car park) IT WAS FACING THE WRONG WAY!!!!!!!!

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    You have been tagged Susan!

  4. 99centqueen said...

    In regards to privacy I am pro and con for it. I think that anything can be used for good an evil. For example I think that is a great idea to have cameras around public areas like schools an such. With so many kids and child predators around, I would like to feel that "big brother"would be watching out for my children when I am not around. I think that it is a bad idea when cameras are in public bathrooms there may be an issue wiht privacy. I think that is a place that should always should be a little least.

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