I am too tired

8:10 PM Posted by Unknown

Isn't it funny that kids are never too tired to make a mess, but when you ask them to pick it up, that is the response you get.

So, if they are that tired maybe they should take a nap. Right, they are never THAT tired.

I have been sick for two days now. I feel like I am going to die (you know what I mean) and you would think the kids would be kind and help me out a bit.... not! I swear they use it to their advantage to get away with more.

Did I mention I hate being sick? I haven't even been on the computer hardly at all today. (imagine that!) My head is so fuzzy, I can barely think. I need 24hrs of completely uninterrupted sleep. Wishful thinking there too.

I better get my butt in gear if I plan to participate in Scrapbook Saturday tomorrow.
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  1. tcalamity said...

    i know that feeling, bless you hun hope your feeling better soon. came across your blog found it really amusing, will take a peek again. feel free to peek at my blog anytime. (mum to 4 daughters in UK.)

  2. Racheal Miles said...

    My kids are just the same, never too tired to make a mess, always to tired to clear it up but not tired enough to sleep.

    I love your new header.

    Racheal x

  3. tcalamity said...

    love the new look blog!!!!!!!!!how did you do that. I want to re-vamp my main blog "tcalamity". anyway peep again soon.

  4. Bridgette said...

    I hope you feel better! I love your blog design!

  5. Sarah said...

    Just came off of a week of the crud myself so sending lots of Loves your way. My daughter hates it when I answer her "But I'm too tired!" with "well then go take a nap and I'll make sure your brother leaves enough mess for you to clean up when you're rested." Is it wrong that I smile to myself when she caves? (rubbing evil hands together)

  6. Sara said...

    im sorry to hear your sick. hope you feel better!

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