
3:00 AM Posted by Unknown

I felt I couldn't let this day go by without posting about it.

Every year they have all those shows on TV about 9-11. Shows about what happened from every angle there is to tell about it. From the towers, flight 93, the Pentagon, the rescue workers, those who missed one of the doomed flights, those who lost loved ones etc..... I watch them all and still they disturb me, as well they should. I feel the need to be in that moment of history again and morn what happened to our nation that day. I pray I never just go about my day on September 11th of any year and say, oh yeah, it is 9-11. Obviously I, as the world also, will never forget that day, yet I don't ever want to be nonchalant about it either.

Every other day of the year I go about my life, but on this one day I need to be aware of the tragedy that befell us that day. I don't believe that to be morbid or unhealthy. I just think that we take so much for granted in our lives that now and again we need a reality check and this is mine.

I didn't know any of the people who lost their lives that day but as a nation this was a collective loss for all of us. A loss of some of our freedoms and our innocence.

Lest we forget what happened that day gives them the power to hurt us again.
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  1. Debateur said...

    I am glad you did this Susan.

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