Happy Birthday to ME!!!

9:07 AM Posted by Unknown

Today is my birthday!! I don't know, I think it is time for me to stop having birthdays. At least now that I am officially 40 "something". I would still want the birthday cake however lol.

Anyway, we are all going to my parents house today to eat dinner and "celebrate". I am trying to get my parents to keep all 3 of the boys tonight so I can have at least a small break without them. I think I deserve that!!

Needless to say I didn't get around for "Scrapbook Saturday" today. Have so many other things on my plate that it took a backseat to my design stuff. Maybe next week I'll be better.
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  1. Debateur said...

    Happy birthday !

    I hope that you have an amazing day.

  2. jenn said...

    Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  3. tcalamity said...

    happy birthday for yesterday....xxx t

  4. ComfyMom~Stacey said...

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Rozella said...

    Dropping EC here... Happy Birthday!! :) Hope you have tons of fun!

  6. Tena said...

    Happy Birthday, I hope it was a great one!!

  7. Minxy Mimi said...

    Why did I think you were a Nov baby like me? Sorry I missed it. Belated Happy Birthday!

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