Figuring things out.

11:16 AM Posted by Unknown

So, I have started designing blogs, as regulars here can attest to cause I bombard them on our message board with my designs (sorry). It is just I crave input cause I lack a certain amount of self confidence to think that just maybe I am some what decent at this design stuff.

Now it is time to design the blog for my design site. I don't have a name for my design "business" yet. Any suggestions are welcome. Kinda need to have the name picked so I can get the feel of what design I want to do. I also need to figure out how to make a navigation bar now and add it to the site. I have seen tutorials on how to do them so it should be semi okay to do. Of course I want to design my navigation buttons and figure that aspect out and "load" them into the generic bar that I make (I think any way).

Now all I need is a new computer for all this. When I got my laptop I was just a internet surfer and hung out on message boards. I have a 101 GB hard drive and I have like 13 GB free space left. Yikes!!! Yep, time to get a new computer!!

Hint, hint, hope dh reads this. He has the link, but I don't know if he ever checks here. lol
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  1. Debateur said...

    You are so talented Susan. i can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. CMP said...

    you're blog is great! i'm sure you'll do wonderfully. when you're "open for business" let me know. my blog is in serious need of some tweaking! :)

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    I love my blog design you made!!! YAY

    Sassy Susan's designs
    Suddenly Susan designs...


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