Birthday party!

10:07 AM Posted by Unknown

Today is A.J.'s 5th birthday!! Wow, how time flies. So yesterday we had his party. He got some money, which he always likes, and some games for his Nintendo DS. The DS was the birthday present from his dad but since he was going to be in Washington for his birthday A.J. got that present early.

Here are some pics from the party.

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  1. Debateur said...

    Wow it looks like he had a really great time !

  2. Andrea said...

    Awe! Happy Birthday! He looks so big and so happy about his cake and prizes!

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    How big he is all of a sudden!
    Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Karen of Sillymonkeez said...

    What a cool looking cake! I've never seen a cake topper like that.

    YAY for a Nintendo DS. My son would be so jealous. ;P

    Karen of the MomDot Street Team

  5. Rachel said...

    How fun! I love his cake. :)

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