Where am I?

4:15 PM Posted by Unknown

Cause it looks as though I haven't blogged since Sunday! I usually get my inspiration (if that is what you want to call it) for my posts just as I lay down at night to go to sleep. You know that time when your mind is racing through all the days events? Of course by then I am either too tired to get up and blog, or too lazy to get a pen and paper to write down my thoughts.

I need to keep a little notebook in my purse or by my computer for when something interesting or otherwise note worthy takes pace so I can remember to blog about it. Cause ya know, the minute I sit down here at my computer every thought in my head just leaps right out in to the land of the unknown.

Luckily tomorrow is wordless Wednesday and I won't have to say a thing!! I think I need a meme for every day of the week.
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  1. Racheal Miles said...

    I do the exact same thing. As I lay down in bed allsorts of ideas come into my head but I just can't be bothered to get up again.

    Racheal x

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