Napping vs sleeping

9:22 AM Posted by Unknown

I consider napping and sleeping (going to bed at night) in very different ways. I can nap anywhere. My comfort is almost irrelevant. I can nap in a chair or on a sofa or even the floor. It doesn't matter what I am wearing or if it is daytime or how much commotion going on around me. Of course I don't get to nap nearly as much as I would like.

Sleeping on the other hand is a totally different story for me. The conditions need to be perfect, to get a *good* nights sleep anyway. Needless to say the RV we are in right now does not have these *perfect* conditions for me.

For example, I need total darkness to sleep. Here there must be half a dozen L.E.D lights in this place. The microwave, the alarm clock, my laptop, the Direct TV receiver and TV. I turn off some but the ones I can't drive me insane. How can such little lights light up a room so much?

Don't get me started on our bed, or lack thereof. I sleep on a Jack knife sofa. It basically folds out the same as a futon does. It is old so the highest part is the middle and each side kinda slants down, so either I feel like I am going to roll out of bed or I feel like I am slammed up against the counter that is runs along the back of the sofa. Also dh and I have to sleep separately. Well, we don't have to but I need lots of room. It is hard going from a queen bed to a pull out sofa barely bigger then a twin bed.

Dh sleep in the dining area of the RV. The table comes down and the bench cushions lay over the table and benches to make a bed. There is no leaning there but it is way too hard for me to sleep on. I wake up with every bone in my body hurting when I sleep there.

What I wouldn't give for an awesome nights sleep.
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  1. Debateur said...

    Wow. Good for you. My bed at my mother in laws wasn't very good and I woke up with a sore back both days but fortunately it was only for 2 days. I don't know how I would have done that on a regular basis.

  2. Andrea said...

    Yeah, I never sleep well unless I am at home in my bed. You should get a sleep mask to block out the lights. That might help.

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